ESHG DNA Day – Video Submission

  • Please enter the data of the submitting Student and Teacher below.
    You will also have to upload your video (preferrably mp4, mov or avi) as last step.
    Click on "Submit" to complete the submission.

  • Personal Data of the Student

  • Personal Data of the Teacher

  • Video Upload

    • Please arrange for the file size of the video being 100MB or smaller. Usually your phone will compress the video when exporting it. Else there is free software available for this purpose. The actual quality is not primarily important at this stage, but it makes sense to keep a copy in higher quality for the presentation in case your video is among the winners.
    • Supported file types: preferrably *.mov, *.avi, *.mp4
    • Rename your file with the name (e.g. 'SmithRobert.mp4')
    • Click on "Browse" below, choose the file from your hard disk and click on "Upload".
  • Accepted file types: avi, mp4, mov.
    Please note that, depending on the size of the file and your internet connection, the upload may take time until it has been completed. There is no need to click the "Submit Video" button a second time.